Categories - Structure.


Staff member
I am in the process of starting a layout for the site.

Any suggestions for categories and/or topics/child topics can be submitted to me here.

Please keep this in mind:

01) Any dedicated sections will be attributed/associated to the source, not the Chinese company making it.
02) One off devices simply fall into "All/General" until this company/group/creator does more than one item.
03) We are not doing a category for the "flavor of the day" item.
04) This system is meant to offer SUPPORT to people who USE their printers, not just keep it in a constant state of ever changing parts.


If there is a demand for a "tinkerer" section, please submit your ideas/concepts and if enough of an interest is there we will dedicate a spot to that as well.


There are 2 types of people out there... Makers and Printers... You do NOT have to be both. People who are simply "printers" are often very neglected.
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