Euclid probe

Edit: nevermind? Looks like it's now a part of euclid documentation and a part of klipper already (I suppose I should update klipper). Anybody got a macro for the 400 I can plagiarize?

So ... guides on the euclid probe. Copy pasta from my Facebook (almost a year ago):

Getting ready to install the euclid probe. Parts printed documentation studied and what not. One Q - documentation shows that we still need a generic z endstop (which we don't have because of bltouch), but I remember somewhere in the past that Robert Matthew Luciani was able to overcome this requirement by defining the z stop as the euclid (so z stop points to euclid, and abl points to euclid)? . Any further details?

Rob says I need to install the the euclid with two pins and asked if I had a toolboard (I do). Then asked/told me to xfer over here so its more easily accessible to everyone. Would love to drop the BL touch (it sees the magnets in the mandala rose works bed)
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